The Late Mr. Shinzo Abe was a great friend to…
“The Late Mr. Shinzo Abe was a great friend to Papua New…
“The Late Mr. Shinzo Abe was a great friend to Papua New…
PNC is proud to endorse intellectual, likeminded leaders like Dr George Bopi-Kerepa.…
Team #pnc4kandep showed up and showed out at the Kandep Rally today!Loud…
Oro Kaiva! Our Party Leader Mr Peter O’Neill is in Oro Province…
For the last three years, our country has felt trapped, held back by an overly idealistic and confused Government.
We all are frustrated by the decline of our economy that has been mismanaged and disabled by unprecedented levels of loans and overspending with our hand out, constantly asking our neighbours for more money making us look like a nation of beggars.
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Authorized by the: People’s National Congress Party, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea